CS373: Week of 11 Mar — 28 Mar

Tristan Blake
2 min readMar 29, 2021


What did you do this past week?

This week I made a good amount of progress on Phase II of the IDB project. Working on the backend part of the project has been a lot of fun lately. However, I look forward to working heavily on the frontend soon! I also attended class and learned about how python generators and decorators work.

What’s in your way?

This week, I was assigned a lot of projects and exams for other classes, which has been quite a lot for the first week after spring break. I will make sure to organize my thoughts and handle all of my assignments on time so that I can focus on the IDB project.

What will you do next week?

Next week, I plan on refactoring some of our code in our project repository. With the things I am learning in class, I have seen ways of making our backend code cleaner and easier to understand.

If you read it, what did you think of the Interface Segregation Principle?

I thought the Interface Segregation Principle was a good read. I was already familiar with some of the concepts the article explained, but the article also gave me a new perspective to think of when writing classes: Always make sure to satisfy one “type” of client. That is, when writing a class, make sure that there is only one “type” of client who would be using your class.

What was your experience of comprehensions, yield, closures, and decorators? (this question will vary, week to week)

This week was really fresh for me. I had not even known about comprehensions, yield, closures, or decorators. I think they really show just how flexible python is and how the language has evolved to have such clean code.

What made you happy this week?

I was finally able to take my foot brace/shoe off after wearing it for a few months (I had injured my toe), and I was even able to go for a few runs!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

There is a website (unsplash.com) that provides really high quality images. There is also an API you can use to search for images!



Tristan Blake
Tristan Blake

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